Tag: postnationalism

Canada supports ISIS jihadis; its allies kill them
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Canada supports ISIS jihadis; its allies kill them

admin - Nov 17, 2017

You know that your country is overrun by radicals when the national broadcaster whose budget has skyrocketed under government policy is willing to diverge so sharply from…

Nigel Farage outs George Soros corruption
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Nigel Farage outs George Soros corruption

admin - Nov 17, 2017

One year after Brexit and the election of U.S. President Trump, the unprecedented restiveness of the losing sides continues unabated.  It is largely led by the mainstream…

Ex-PM Stephen Harper pens memo slamming Trudeau government over NAFTA talks
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Ex-PM Stephen Harper pens memo slamming Trudeau government over NAFTA talks

admin - Oct 28, 2017

Former Canadian Prime Minister Steven Harper has written a memo criticizing the Liberal government's NAFTA negotiations that was obtained by the Canadian Press. In this memo, Harper…

‘Un-Islamic’: Pakistani Senate body rejects bill seeking ban on child marriage
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‘Un-Islamic’: Pakistani Senate body rejects bill seeking ban on child marriage

admin - Oct 20, 2017

One of the more challenging things for a person in a multicultural society to adjudicate is what constitutes a legitimate religious practice in a different religion, and…

California Colonialism
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California Colonialism

admin - Sep 28, 2017

In 14 years, Ontarians have witnessed their once-efficient and affordable power grid become so expensive that its inefficiency is now only matched by the province's sub-sovereign debt,…

Omar Khadr’s Allies
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Omar Khadr’s Allies

admin - Aug 09, 2017

The thick markers of human identity are officially being erased everywhere. Whether it is in relation to human personhood (the idea of gender), the family (the terms…

Rex Murphy: Celebrating ‘diversity’ will only divide us, but celebrating Canada’s unity keeps us strong
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Rex Murphy: Celebrating ‘diversity’ will only divide us, but celebrating Canada’s unity keeps us strong

admin - Jul 01, 2017

The embrace of the hollow slogan of diversity is a guarantee of social chaos precisely because it can only come at the expense of any sense of…

Canadian foreign minister: Defending abortion, LGBT is ‘at the core of our foreign policy
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Canadian foreign minister: Defending abortion, LGBT is ‘at the core of our foreign policy

admin - Jun 10, 2017

Canada's foreign minister explains that Canada's national policy abroad will overlook matters of national interest to focus on advancing the posthumanist agenda of hollowing out the core…

Pierre Manent: Birth of the Nation
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Pierre Manent: Birth of the Nation

admin - Jun 09, 2017

With the rise of post-national entities like the European superstate, the growing legislative sway of globalist agencies like the UN, and the questionable assertion that a country…

The case for nations
0 shares1021 views
0 shares1021 views

The case for nations

admin - Jun 03, 2017

With the power of technology to imagine a transhumanist future, and consequential decisions made by globalist bodies unaccountable to the majority they purport to serve, yet whose…