The Paradise Papers Hacking and the Globalist Elite

Nov 08, 2017

People who are being regularly informed that their taxes will increase and should for the sake of the environment will wonder at the fact that many of the wealthy individuals and ‘green’ multinational corporations shield themselves from the same.  It will be interesting to observe what connection these individuals have to the Bildeberg Group.

This is a revelation with consequences that will long reverberate:

“An estimated 8 percent of household financial wealth is held offshore, representing a loss in annual global tax revenue of about $190 billion. But this pales in comparison to the tax avoidance and tax evasion by the large multinational companies that use this system. All told, more than $7.6 trillion may well be hidden in tax havens around the world, according to Gabriel Zucman, an economist at the University of California, Berkeley, who studies the issue.”

Read the full article in the New York Times

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