Christian couple rejected as adoptive parents, due to religious beliefs

Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms seeks judicial review on religious discrimination

Nov 08, 2017
2516 Views 1 Comments

The government engineering of the family is now reaching a new stage of bigotry and discrimination against Christians.  Not only are parents being denied their historic responsibility for their own children in various provincial sexual education curricula, the CBC reports that religious viewpoints at odds with the government’s policies on sex are being used as grounds for rejecting adoption.

‘The Home Study had evidenced that the couple are Evangelical Christians with biblical views on marriage and sexuality. C.D. and N.D. reiterated their commitment to treating any child in their care with unconditional love, respect, and compassion regardless of what the child chose to do, and regardless of the child’s sexual orientation or behavior.

On March 13, Catholic Social Services advised C.D. and N.D. that it was reversing its recommendation that they be approved for adoption. The rejection letter enclosed a revised Home Study Report that stated the couple should not be approved as adoptive parents because they would be unable to “help” a child who “has sexual identity issues”.

This decision, as the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms notes, ‘violates sections 2(a) and 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Alberta Bill of Rights and the Alberta Human Rights Act.’

Read the full report

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