Cherokees hammer Elizabeth Warren on ancestry claim ahead of Mass. party convention
Indian reporters and activists want answers from Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren
U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren was mentioned as a possible leadership candidate for the Democrats at the last Presidential election. The Clinton machine kept her on the sidelines. But she remains for many a viable candidate for the next election.
Yet the stories about her fraudulence have arisen once again because of President Trump’s reference to her as ‘Pocahontas’ at a recent event honoring Navajo veterans. The response was the usual incandescent response, Newsweek suggesting it could be a part of a case being built for his impeachment. Warren herself called it a ‘racial slur.’
There is of course politicking on both sides. But it’s unclear how references to Warren’s fraudulent attempt to pass herself off as a native could be deemed racist.
“Warren has maintained that she never used the designation to further her career but simply to meet others like her. But she has given conflicting answers about whether she informed Harvard about her status, first saying she didn’t know she was listed as a minority until the Boston Herald reported it, and then this week acknowledging she did talk to people at Harvard about it after she was hired. She explained the discrepancy in her answers by saying she had misunderstood an earlier question. Warren stopped being listed as Native in law directories after she received a tenured position at Harvard.
“I don’t want to mislead in any way on this,” Warren told the Boston Globe this week, although a Globe reporter summed up her answers to questions about the tribal claims as “no more enlightening” than earlier responses. Before hanging up with the Globe reporter, Warren said “nothing happened” in reference to the law school directory.”
As columnist David French notes, “Trump was rude, but Warren is still the primary offender here. The desire to lionize the victims of Trump’s wrath should blind no one to Elizabeth Warren’s progressive fraud.”
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