M-103 Oh Canada, Who Stands on Guard for Thee?

The Not-So-Hidden Agenda Behind Motion M-103

Nov 05, 2017

Canada’s national anthem isn’t sung as much as it used to be.  Where it is, it can only appear as a reminder of the betrayal of its governing elites and their accommodation of Islamic policies.

‘The Muslim Brotherhood’s Explanatory Memorandum… makes clear its intention to “destroy western civilization from within and sabotage its ‘miserable house’ by their own hands.”

The Canadian Parliament seems determined to help this Civilization-Jihad get under way. Petition e-411 and Motion M-103 were brought before Parliament by individuals who were major players in organizations affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood. Canada’s envoy to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (why do we have one?) is an avowed supporter of Sharia law.

At least 201 out of Canada’s currently serving 338 Members of Parliament do not seem to have fully thought through the implications of condemning “Islamophobia” or would openly like to introduce Sharia law. Canadian parliamentarians — as the guardians of our freedoms — owe it to us to do better than that.’

Read the full article

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