Stephen LeDrew fired for inadvertently exposing Canada’s freeze on free speech

‘LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP’ inclusiveness is a religious mantra

Dec 16, 2017

I reported that Canadian CP 24 Host Stephen LeDrew was suspended for appearing on ‘Tucker Carlson’ a few weeks ago.

It was rather embarrassing viewing, but LeDrew actually sought to defend the coercive Liberal policies on gender identity being imposed upon Canadians.  LeDrew’s enthusiastic but inept defence of Canada’s public culture of speech made Carlson’s point about indoctrination and totalitarian policies for him.

Ultimately, however, when LeDrew questioned CP 24 why he was suspended, he was fired, ostensibly for ‘helping the competition.’  The idea that the American news channel Fox News is a competitor for CP 24 strains all credulity.  Certainly LeDrew is not buying the explanation by Canadian corporate giant Bell media.

LeDrew now returns to ‘Tucker’ and concedes his dismissal had more to do with freedom of speech.

It is rather extraordinary that such a high-profile figure has disappeared from the media landscape with so little publicity.

It is a sign that Canada’s intolerant ‘tolerance’ will brook no opposition when its high profile defenders are ousted for the slightest of transgressions.

Watch the video on Tucker Carlson

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