Category: Business

The Real Reason You’re Not Allowed To Work From Home
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The Real Reason You’re Not Allowed To Work From Home

admin - Nov 26, 2017

It is rather extraordinary, particularly given the advances of the internet which extend even to video-conferencing for multiple people, that…

France ran out of money last Tuesday
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France ran out of money last Tuesday

admin - Nov 17, 2017

It is no coincidence that the twentieth century, the first century of world war, coincided with the first century of…

The Paradise Papers Hacking and the Globalist Elite
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The Paradise Papers Hacking and the Globalist Elite

admin - Nov 08, 2017

People who are being regularly informed that their taxes will increase and should for the sake of the environment will…

Trudeau’s chief fundraiser linked to Cayman Islands tax scheme
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Trudeau’s chief fundraiser linked to Cayman Islands tax scheme

admin - Nov 05, 2017

The Liberal Party of Canada has a longstanding challenge in the public's eye with being the party of the wealthy…

Canada seeks trade deals abroad, provinces oppose trade at home
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Canada seeks trade deals abroad, provinces oppose trade at home

admin - Oct 18, 2017

"It’s an absurdity for Canada to eagerly seek free trade deals across the globe while demanding protectionism at home.  What…

Massive fraud scandal shuts down Dutch abortion clinics
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Massive fraud scandal shuts down Dutch abortion clinics

admin - Oct 14, 2017

An investigation by the Dutch newspaper ‘Nederlands Dagblad’ has found that CASA clinics, an organization that is responsible for half…

Wynne’s Ontario government has no business meddling in markets
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Wynne’s Ontario government has no business meddling in markets

admin - Sep 26, 2017

Richard M. Weaver, in his book Ideas have Consequences, claimed that private property was the "last metaphysical right" recognized in…

Why the 40%, and not the 1% are the real problem
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Why the 40%, and not the 1% are the real problem

admin - Jul 21, 2017

Whether it comes in the form of 'tax credits' or the expansion of the technocratic state to offer the 'free'…

Liberal Values are Bankrupting Us
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0 shares1814 views

Liberal Values are Bankrupting Us

admin - Jul 19, 2017

"People should be able to do whatever they want so long as it doesn't hurt anyone."  This commonly articulated opinion…

Wind energy plant hits financial headwinds, closes. Can Wynne win without wind?
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0 shares1743 views

Wind energy plant hits financial headwinds, closes. Can Wynne win without wind?

admin - Jul 18, 2017

The Ontario Liberal government has been a decade-long experiment in unreality. From its social engineering of the family and its…