‘You’ll never work again’: women tell how sexual harassment broke their careers

Nov 25, 2017

What is extraordinary, if you start to piece the stories together, is that prominent feminists have been supporting progressive male politicians, media figures, and film gurus in their war upon the family even while they knew that these very same men ranged from being ‘sexist’ to being outright sexual predators.

And they did so while characterizing their political opponents as misogynist.

What can explain this hypocrisy?  Hypocrites usually feign support for a cause they don’t actually believe in.  But surely feminists cannot be hypocritical about their support of women, can they?

It seems to me it isn’t so much hypocrisy as being willing to suffer ‘for the cause’.  What cause?  In the name of liberating women from abusive men, the feminist movement was willing to turn a blind eye to the abuse of women so long as they supported the practice of abortion.

The legacy of this horrid calculus is now becoming more and more evident in the testimony of women scarred by the abortionist politics of the left.

Inappropriate conduct towards women crosses party political lines; but ‘feminists’ have ensured that their own ‘side’ has received a free pass until now.

It will be interested to see what happens to the abortion industry when it is separated from the Sexual Revolution, with which it is so intimately linked.

Read the full article in the Guardian

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