Nigel Farage outs George Soros corruption

Cites 226 names of 'reliable friends' of Soros foundation in European Parliament

Nov 17, 2017

One year after Brexit and the election of U.S. President Trump, the unprecedented restiveness of the losing sides continues unabated.  It is largely led by the mainstream media, which justifies its antagonistic stance by claiming the interference of foreign powers.  The Russian government figures prominently in these allegations.

If true, it could actually be considered an act of war.

In the midst of such charges of illegal influence peddling, the part played by George Soros in influencing politics around the world goes largely untold.  Whether it is his support for the restive Black Lives Matter in North America, the Tides Foundation in Canada, or his charity Open Society, there can be no doubt that Soros is more involved in influencing foreign governments than any foreign government.

With that in mind, his recent gift of $18 billion to Open Society surely threatens every democratic government.

Nigel Farage has recently spoken in the European Parliament about his influence in European policy.

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