Category: Religion

How the Queen – the ‘last Christian monarch’ – has made the Christian faith her message
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How the Queen – the ‘last Christian monarch’ – has made the Christian faith her message

admin - Dec 24, 2017

"For the past 17 years, (the Queen's) messages have taken on a different tone, with the Queen explaining her own…

5 facts about the Muslim population in Europe
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5 facts about the Muslim population in Europe

admin - Dec 14, 2017

Some interesting statistics from Pew Research on the latest Muslim demographics in Europe: Read the latest statistics from Pew Research

Religion, multiculturalism and the public square
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Religion, multiculturalism and the public square

admin - Dec 04, 2017

'The late Richard Neuhaus, one of the 20th century’s great activists and thought leaders on matters of religion and the…

Liberalism has eaten itself – it isn’t very liberal any more
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Liberalism has eaten itself – it isn’t very liberal any more

admin - Nov 30, 2017

This is an interesting reflection by Tim Farron, former leader of the Liberal Democrats in the United Kingdom.  Farron is…

Muslims Are Converting to Christianity in Record Numbers
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Muslims Are Converting to Christianity in Record Numbers

admin - Nov 17, 2017

While the Western world, so blessed by the benefits of Christendom for generations, gives way to moral and cultural relativism,…

A Post-Christian and Uncharitable Society
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A Post-Christian and Uncharitable Society

admin - Nov 07, 2017

The decline in mainline churches over the past decades has been widely noted.  It is no longer socially advantageous to…

Islamophobia: Between Reality and Fiction
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Islamophobia: Between Reality and Fiction

admin - Nov 05, 2017

'The objective of (Muslim) extremists is to project blame onto their victims by arguing that they themselves are victims of…

‘Un-Islamic’: Pakistani Senate body rejects bill seeking ban on child marriage
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‘Un-Islamic’: Pakistani Senate body rejects bill seeking ban on child marriage

admin - Oct 20, 2017

One of the more challenging things for a person in a multicultural society to adjudicate is what constitutes a legitimate…

M15 Chief: Britain is facing an unprecedented terrorist threat
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M15 Chief: Britain is facing an unprecedented terrorist threat

admin - Oct 18, 2017

“The threat is multidimensional, evolving rapidly, and operating at a scale and pace we have not seen before. We have…

Salvation by algorithm: God, technology and the new 21st-century religions
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0 shares1701 views

Salvation by algorithm: God, technology and the new 21st-century religions

admin - Oct 03, 2017

Yuval Noah Harari follows the work he has done in Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (2014) and Homo Deus:…