Category: Politics

African slaves cut open for their kidneys
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African slaves cut open for their kidneys

admin - Dec 14, 2017

It took the efforts of many people, among them the famous William Wilberforce, decades of indefatigable labour to stop the…

Sweden’s fiery immigration debate
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Sweden’s fiery immigration debate

admin - Dec 08, 2017

Tino Sanandaji, an Iranian-born economist in Sweden has become a potent critic of Sweden's immigration policy.  It is not the…

CNN reports that FBI agent doctored records to exculpate Clinton
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CNN reports that FBI agent doctored records to exculpate Clinton

admin - Dec 05, 2017

In the midst of the last Presidential election, Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton was under investigation for her use of a…

The New York Times now Promotes Violence against the State
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The New York Times now Promotes Violence against the State

admin - Dec 02, 2017

The religious sensibility attached to the violence of the left is presented without a hint of criticism in one of…

Cherokees hammer Elizabeth Warren on ancestry claim ahead of Mass. party convention
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Cherokees hammer Elizabeth Warren on ancestry claim ahead of Mass. party convention

admin - Nov 29, 2017

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren was mentioned as a possible leadership candidate for the Democrats at the last Presidential election.  The…

Mugabe and other Leftist Heroes
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Mugabe and other Leftist Heroes

admin - Nov 27, 2017

AS the author of this article, Bret Stephens, notes, the atrocities of Zimbabwe dictator Robert Mugabe's regime have been long…

Harvard student swims against the Communist tide
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Harvard student swims against the Communist tide

admin - Nov 21, 2017

Thanks to the sympathetic views of Communism presented in textbooks and widely shared among academics, it is unsurprising that young…

Ross Douthat: What if Ken Starr was right?
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Ross Douthat: What if Ken Starr was right?

admin - Nov 19, 2017

Ross Douthat is a scrupulously fair-minded commentator, and in light of the Democrat disgust at the Clinton-Weinstein culture of hypocrisy…

Canada supports ISIS jihadis; its allies kill them
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Canada supports ISIS jihadis; its allies kill them

admin - Nov 17, 2017

You know that your country is overrun by radicals when the national broadcaster whose budget has skyrocketed under government policy…

Nigel Farage outs George Soros corruption
0 shares2011 views
0 shares2011 views

Nigel Farage outs George Soros corruption

admin - Nov 17, 2017

One year after Brexit and the election of U.S. President Trump, the unprecedented restiveness of the losing sides continues unabated. …