Rex Murphy: Lindsay Shepherd incident is simply one bubble in a boiling caldron

The real problem is the collapse in the understanding of the university and what education is

Nov 25, 2017

Rex Murphy is following the lead of academics such as Jordan Peterson in citing the influence of Cultural Marxism in academia.  He is entirely correct in his diagnosis, as I have argued here.  In his words:

‘This is not some one-off incident, but rather an egregious illustration that some humanities courses at all universities (mainly with the tag “studies”) function not as educative undertakings, but as commitments to a narrow, predestined ideological viewpoint. That such studies are enclosed universes of fixed thought, or intellectual predisposition. That wedding any course to a pre-chosen political goal — social justice, identity studies, oppression studies, feminism — turns it into a sophisticated vehicle of indoctrination and propaganda. Such courses inculcate doctrines, disoblige inquiry, abhor dissent, and are the reverse of an educational exercise.”

Read the full article in the National Post

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