Canada supports ISIS jihadis; its allies kill them
Only way to deal with homegrown jihadis 'will be, in almost every case, to kill them': U.K. minister
You know that your country is overrun by radicals when the national broadcaster whose budget has skyrocketed under government policy is willing to diverge so sharply from the party line. The CBC recognizes what everyone bar the government can see, that there can be no accommodation (or citizenship rights) for traitors. And that is what those who have allied themselves to a supremacist religion abroad against your country are.
‘Postnationalism’ can only go so far. It cannot be that, as Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau has asserted, ‘a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian’, no matter what. If it were, acts of treason could not even be identified. And yet, this principled refusal to discriminate is clearly encouraging seditious forces in Canada. The Islamist cause is being openly supported.
As the CBC notes, even the Western powers that share the views of Canada’s elites on tolerance part ways with it over the treatment of jihadis returning to native soil. This is an extension of the government’s treatment of Omar Khadr.
It’s about time that Canadians grew alert to the tenor of policy in Ottawa, and the influence of Islamic ideologues in the PM’s orbit. M-103 looks more and more ill-advised in the light of these developments.
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