Tag: eugenics

Canadian pediatricians ‘increasingly’ being asked about assisted death for children
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Canadian pediatricians ‘increasingly’ being asked about assisted death for children

admin - Oct 31, 2017

Critics of assisted death legislation stated from the outset that allowing the practice for some would invariably open the door for others, including children and the mentally…

The latest case in a eugenicist history of ‘weeding out’ native Canadians
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The latest case in a eugenicist history of ‘weeding out’ native Canadians

admin - Jul 29, 2017

Canada's public health policies has long been linked with eugenics.  The government also has a legacy of abuse against native Canadians, and disregard for their families.  While…

Trolling Eugenicist ‘Commanders’
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Trolling Eugenicist ‘Commanders’

admin - Jul 20, 2017

One of the more delightfully ironic tendencies among progressives, our 'congenial eugenicists', is their distinct lack of any sense of irony in relation to themselves. A TV…

Serious about stopping climate change? Have one fewer child, UBC study says
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Serious about stopping climate change? Have one fewer child, UBC study says

admin - Jul 13, 2017

The transhumanist impulse that has encouraged scientists and governments to perfect the human being under our own direction without any recognition of God's creation of life or…

The photos that reveal the horror of eugenics
Science & Technology
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Science & Technology
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The photos that reveal the horror of eugenics

admin - Jun 25, 2017

The historical connection between Darwin and eugenic social engineering is incontestable, and eugenics was pronounced a war crime after the Second World War. But for the modern…