Serious about stopping climate change? Have one fewer child, UBC study says

To have a real impact, it would take major sacrifices. Why then, the study asks, do textbooks tell students to do their part by merely hanging laundry or recycling

Jul 13, 2017

The transhumanist impulse that has encouraged scientists and governments to perfect the human being under our own direction without any recognition of God’s creation of life or his determination of its bounds has manifested itself in various ways over the twentieth century: state-sponsored eugenics, abortion, one-child policies (like China), and even various acts of genocide.

The advance of technology since WWII has only been matched by the collapse of the sense of the sanctity of human life in the church and in the public at large, and of the goodness of begetting children.

The first commandment in Scripture given to Adam and Eve is to ‘be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.‘ (Gen. 1:28).  It is directly connected to His blessing.

This verse has historically been understood by the church as a call to expand human culture to make an Eden out of the entire earth.  It is entailed in the Great Commission.  Dominion means stewardship in Tolkien’s sense of exercising an office in the stead of the king, the Lord Himself being the king.

Dominion does not entail domination or abuse.  With that in mind, Christians have always been involved in careful, sustainable agriculture and animal husbandry, a phrase that has become almost obsolete in today’s attempt to squeeze every bit of profit out of the earth and its creatures.

In the modern environmental movement, a different sanctity of life is in view: the rest of the earth, with man seen not as its steward but as a virus plaguing it.  And with such a view, we have the advent of a species of posthumanism.

Unlike transhumanist forms of perfection, it no longer regards the perfection of (some) human beings (like scientists and their culture) as its aim.  It regards the perfection of the rest of the created order, with its view of the equality of all life removing man from his God-ordained role of stewardship.

This equality does not elevate the rest of life.  It simply pushes man down.

In fact, the phrase that best reflects the view of mankind as a virus on the earth is in the phrase ‘carbon footprint’, which absurdly identifies mankind as a carbon producer simply by virtue of living (though every animal produces carbon, and certain animals like cattle many times that of a human being).

With that perverse logic in mind, it is unsurprising that Gloria Steinem is blaming abortion opponents with ‘causing global warming.’  Reducing global warming is the latest excuse for the call to extinguish humanity from the earth for the sake of perfection.  But now it isn’t the human race that is being perfected.  It is the whole world.

Perfection is now viewed as a green field with no people in it at all.

Enviromentalist perfectionism should be seen as the latest and most serious form of the nihilist perfectionism that defies God and attacks His image bearer man directly.  And of course this call to generational suicide does nothing to help the earth which needs both agriculture and animal husbandry to flourish as God intended it.

Read the full article

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