Canadian pediatricians ‘increasingly’ being asked about assisted death for children

Oct 31, 2017

Critics of assisted death legislation stated from the outset that allowing the practice for some would invariably open the door for others, including children and the mentally ill.  A Pandora’s box of problems has been opened up now that the field of medicine has radically redefined itself away from preserving and maintaining life to taking it in the name of ‘compassion’.

Then again, medical textbooks no longer define health, so it is hardly surprising that the confusion abounds.  In the meantime, it is hard to ignore how finances factor into the medical developments.

As the article notes, “Medical assistance in dying … is accessible to every Canadian, but excellent palliative care has not been similarly enshrined.”

The measure of how just a society is is directly related to how it treats its most vulnerable.  In the midst of moves to do ‘social justice’ for various identity groups, vulnerable individuals are being done a terrible injustice by the state-controlled field of public health in Canada.

Read the full article in Global News

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