Tag: assisted suicide

Canadian pediatricians ‘increasingly’ being asked about assisted death for children
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Canadian pediatricians ‘increasingly’ being asked about assisted death for children

admin - Oct 31, 2017

Critics of assisted death legislation stated from the outset that allowing the practice for some would invariably open the door for others, including children and the mentally…

Canada World Class at Euthanasia
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Canada World Class at Euthanasia

admin - Oct 14, 2017

"The euthanasia debate must go beyond theory and buzz words and focus human reality. People usually ask for euthanasia when they are emotionally or psychologically distraught by…

Medically-assisted starvation just became easier in the U.K.
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Medically-assisted starvation just became easier in the U.K.

admin - Sep 27, 2017

Another hedge of protection around personal sanctity has been removed in the U.K., as a judge ruled that legal permission will no longer be required to end…

Andrew Coyne: Michelle Carter case is the next step in the increasing normalization of suicide
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Andrew Coyne: Michelle Carter case is the next step in the increasing normalization of suicide

admin - Jun 28, 2017

Once the sanctity of human life as God has created it has been rejected by a society, as has been the case since abortion became legal, ethical…

Barbara Kay: Doctors who conscientiously object to providing euthanasia referrals should not be forced to do so
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Barbara Kay: Doctors who conscientiously object to providing euthanasia referrals should not be forced to do so

admin - Jun 22, 2017

The reality of living in a culture such as ours, where euthanasia can be included under the category of healthcare, and killing can be termed compassion, is…

Doctors challenge Ontario policy to refer for services that clash with morals
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Doctors challenge Ontario policy to refer for services that clash with morals

admin - Jun 13, 2017

The medical profession is an art as much as it is a science. At every point, clinicians are called upon to use their judgment about what is…

Pro-lifers: Get out of Medicine
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0 shares1074 views

Pro-lifers: Get out of Medicine

admin - May 31, 2017

The progressive left continues to advance its position, allowing no dissent.  It is unsurprising that anyone who violates the sanctity of life will also have no compunction…

RSVP ‘No’ to Suicide Party
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RSVP ‘No’ to Suicide Party

admin - May 26, 2017

The propaganda surrounding the 'compassion' of taking another person's life blurs the clear bright boundary between healthcare and killing, and can only transpire if conscience is killed:…

Canada Considering Proposal to Allow Euthanizing Mentally Ill Patients
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Canada Considering Proposal to Allow Euthanizing Mentally Ill Patients

admin - May 15, 2017

There is no bounds to state-sponsored killing if assisted suicide is labeled a human right and healthcare is indistinguishable from killing.  'The compassion of the wicked is…