Ontario Law Society Rushes Towards Gomorrah

At the core of free speech is the liberty to criticize the content of the law. For no one is this more important than lawyers

Oct 04, 2017

The character of Thomas More, in Robert Bolt’s wonderful play A Man for All Seasons, remarks on the anarchy that must ensue when there is no public toleration for dissent.

“When statesmen forsake their own private conscience for the sake of their public duties, they lead their country by a short route to chaos.”

Bolt’s More could never have imagined a time when so many had been pushed into forsaking their private conscience that they would sanction the obliteration of all conscience to cover up the transgression.

The New Left’s Cultural Marxism has made such extraordinary inroads into Canadian culture that the shibboleths of identity politics not only identify a person’s allegiance to the cause (as they did when Justin Trudeau announced that Liberal candidates that don’t support abortion would be removed from that political party).

The Ontario Law Society is now insisting that the same stipulations be a mark for serving in the legal profession as a whole.  This long slow march of the left has suddenly become a charge.

This does not end well.  Canadian pundits are regularly heard lamenting the fact that everything is becoming politicized south of the border.  They ought to pay more attention to what’s going on at home.

“Forced speech is the most egregious violation of freedom of expression, protected by section 2(b) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In free countries, law governs actions rather than expressions of beliefs. People can be required to obey the speed limit and pay taxes, but they may not be compelled to declare that the speed limits are properly set or that taxes are a good thing. The Supreme Court of Canada has said that forcing someone to express opinions that they do not have “is totalitarian and as such alien to the tradition of free nations like Canada, even for the repression of the most serious crimes.””

Read the full article

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