Justin Trudeau’s government is all about promoting women as long as they have the ‘correct’ opinions

A Pakistani-Canadian woman objects on the CBC website

Oct 04, 2017

The intolerant tolerance of Cultural Marxism continues to make extraordinary advances throughout the West, and in particular in Canada, where because of political correctness (a Cultural Marxist diktat for language that Canadians have accepted) there is no media scrutiny.

Cultural Marxists wrap themselves in the flag of inclusion, diversity, and tolerance.  In reality, they have no standard or principle that will govern any of these ‘values.’  That is not an oversight.  They aren’t interested in the truth, but in power.

A vague sense of injustice that does not define what justice is is the very thing that allows Cultural Marxists to wield power without accountability.

Cultural Marxists use its labels in the most cynical fashion possible.  It promotes the rights of identity groups like women, or the LGBT community, but does not care about the rights of the individuals involved (or the fact that there are significant differences of opinion among these groups on the most basic things).

A fine example is the matter of sex-selective abortion, which Rachael Harder strongly pushed against as a women’s rights issue.  Targetting the female sex in the womb certainly seems not just an accidental violation of women’s rights, but a denial of them altogether.  At root, it permits practices that deny the common humanity of unborn little girls.

“It appears that to be a member of Justin Trudeau’s government, women (and men) in politics have to toe the party line in terms of the “acceptable” opinion on women’s issues. But that’s not feminism. And it’s definitely not welcoming to immigrants with diverse sets of values.”

Read the full article

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