First, They Came for the Biologists

The postmodernist left on campus is intolerant not only of opposing views, but of science itself.

Oct 03, 2017

In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, the Controller Mustapha Mond articulates many of the basic assumptions of a world dominated by eugenics, the abolition of the family, sex without judgment, and psychological stimulants, where the business of the World State is to ‘make everyone happy’ all the time.  It isn’t only beauty and goodness that must be sacrificed for the State to be all-in-all, but also truth:

“It isn’t only art that’s incompatible with happiness; it’s also science. Science is dangerous; we have to keep it most carefully chained and muzzled.”

For some time, the postmodernists have run rampant in the humanities subjects of university life.  Some of those who have mistaken it as a mere political movement have felt liberated by it; others, like Dr. Jordan Peterson, have noted its oppression and its inherently totalitarian tendencies.

In general, however, it has been falsely concluded that falsehoods about human nature could proliferate in the humanities without risking the sciences – as if truth wore two separate garments.

This absurd and illogical conclusion has been allowed to persist because of the accepted compartmentalization of knowledge in universities in their practices.  The reality, however, is that admitting logical contradictions and anti-humanistic tendencies to gain prominence in the humanities departments of the academy was always going to enact a pox on both houses.This article suggests how the STEM subjects are now in their trigger-hairs of the anarchists.

Read the full article

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