Tag: Dr Jordan Peterson

Rex Murphy: Lindsay Shepherd incident is simply one bubble in a boiling caldron
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Rex Murphy: Lindsay Shepherd incident is simply one bubble in a boiling caldron

admin - Nov 25, 2017

Rex Murphy is following the lead of academics such as Jordan Peterson in citing the influence of Cultural Marxism in academia.  He is entirely correct in his…

Rex Murphy: University bullies student who dares to suggest dialogue
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Rex Murphy: University bullies student who dares to suggest dialogue

admin - Nov 18, 2017

Steve Paikin's programme The Agenda, for those outside the province of Ontario, is an hour-long panel discussion so hypnotically middle-of-the road and placid that it makes the…

Jordan Peterson and Ad Hominem Attacks
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Jordan Peterson and Ad Hominem Attacks

admin - Nov 14, 2017

Dr Jordan Peterson has gone in the space of 18 months from being a celebrated university lecturer and author at the University of Toronto to being a…

German Constitutional Court Bows to Activists
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0 shares1196 views

German Constitutional Court Bows to Activists

admin - Nov 12, 2017

Birth certificates record the most basic facts of a person's individual status at birth.  One of those markers, the most important one in terms of individual personhood,…

Lessons Canadians could learn from Luther’s Reformation
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Lessons Canadians could learn from Luther’s Reformation

admin - Nov 06, 2017

The Reformation took place 500 years ago, when Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of the Wittenberg cathedral.  The backlash against his conscience from…

Jordan B. Peterson: Canadian gender-neutral pronoun bill is a warning for Americans
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Jordan B. Peterson: Canadian gender-neutral pronoun bill is a warning for Americans

admin - Nov 02, 2017

University of Toronto Professor Jordan B. Peterson has made international headlines for publicly resisting the tyranny of enforced speech.   There are two reasons he has stayed…

To Inspire Young Communists, China Turns to ‘Red Army’ Schools
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To Inspire Young Communists, China Turns to ‘Red Army’ Schools

admin - Oct 19, 2017

Nien Cheng, author of Life and Death in Shanghai, commented that among the worst of Mao's cultural revolution in China was the way in which the demands…

Swedish Professor Göran Adamson on the failures of multiculturalism
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Swedish Professor Göran Adamson on the failures of multiculturalism

admin - Oct 17, 2017

Professor of Political Sociology Göran Adamson has become an outspoken critic of the failures of multiculturalism in his country of Sweden. Like Dr. Jordan Peterson, he has…

California Can Now Jail People For Misusing Gender Pronouns
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0 shares2205 views

California Can Now Jail People For Misusing Gender Pronouns

admin - Oct 06, 2017

C.S. Lewis once remarked that "When the modern world says to us aloud, "You may be religious when you are alone," it adds under its breath, "and…

Ontario Law Society Rushes Towards Gomorrah
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0 shares3199 views

Ontario Law Society Rushes Towards Gomorrah

admin - Oct 04, 2017

The character of Thomas More, in Robert Bolt's wonderful play A Man for All Seasons, remarks on the anarchy that must ensue when there is no public…