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Gloria Steinem: Abortion restrictions are ‘the fundamental cause of climate change’

Jul 13, 2017

Political correctness has insisted that the word ‘man’ no longer be used in reference to the human race seen as a whole. The exception seems to be when man is used pejoratively, such as in the phrase man-made global warming.

Connecting global warming to population growth, as feminist icon Gloria Steinem has done, connects a new canard to an old one.

The old one about population growth impeding the perfection of the human race goes back to the Anglican clergyman Thomas Malthus (1776-1834).  Malthus sought the perfection of the human race, and observed an obstacle to it.  While increases in food production raised the standard of living, these improvements were quickly swallowed up by population growth.  In fact, populations had a tendency to grow until the lower class became impoverished and became susceptible to blights such as famine and disease.   This view is sometimes referred to as a Malthusian catastrophe.

The contraceptive movement is part of this perfectionism, as is the transhumanist movement.

In the twentieth century, this perfectionism took on a far darker and more insidious hue.  Malthus’s modest proposal of restraining the expansion of human life was pursued more vigorously in the deliberate elimination of the unwanted or ‘unfit’.  Organized abortion clinics and the enforced sterilization of unfit races arose hand-in-hand with the eugenics movement.  Inferior races were specifically targetted, using black clergy as a cloak.

Gloria Steinem has long connected the killing of future generations with human perfection in general, and with a particular form of it, women’s freedom from children.

But it appears that dots have been connected, and now man-made global warming is literally men’s fault, its fundamental cause, men who don’t support abortion on demand.

I’m waiting for the final connection to mother earth.

Read the full article

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