This Hallowe’en, Remember That Souls Make Humans Exceptional

Humans, as moral agents with souls, are exceptional

Oct 31, 2017

‘It’s logical to think that our near-universal sense of what constitutes basic goodness — don’t steal or murder, be faithful and charitable — is consistent with the source of our souls. So it would seem that human suffering would also be contrary to that being’s desires. Under what circumstances would it be better for a powerful, supernatural being to do nothing to prevent suffering?

There is at least one explanation consistent with mercy, love, and justice. Somehow, suffering must not be quite as bad as it seems. It must be made right for each individual in the end, and it must be the case that preventing the suffering would impede something more important. Under the Judeo-Christian worldview, the thing that would be impeded is our free choice to want to become holy, to be reconciled to God.’

Read the full article in the National Review

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