Tag: Islamophobia

Islamophobia: Between Reality and Fiction
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Islamophobia: Between Reality and Fiction

admin - Nov 05, 2017

'The objective of (Muslim) extremists is to project blame onto their victims by arguing that they themselves are victims of the same actions they have been committing…

M-103 Oh Canada, Who Stands on Guard for Thee?
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M-103 Oh Canada, Who Stands on Guard for Thee?

admin - Nov 05, 2017

Canada's national anthem isn't sung as much as it used to be.  Where it is, it can only appear as a reminder of the betrayal of its…

‘Un-Islamic’: Pakistani Senate body rejects bill seeking ban on child marriage
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‘Un-Islamic’: Pakistani Senate body rejects bill seeking ban on child marriage

admin - Oct 20, 2017

One of the more challenging things for a person in a multicultural society to adjudicate is what constitutes a legitimate religious practice in a different religion, and…

Barbara Kay: TDSB does Da’wah
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Barbara Kay: TDSB does Da’wah

admin - Oct 18, 2017

The Toronto District School Board is quickly gaining worldwide notoriety for the lengths it will go to encourage cultural relativism by the contortions of political correctness.  It…

Tarek Fatah to speak before Heritage committee against M-103’s Islamophobia legislation
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Tarek Fatah to speak before Heritage committee against M-103’s Islamophobia legislation

admin - Sep 20, 2017

It is difficult in the mainstream media landscape to get arguments across with any clarity, particularly on topics as politicized as the Islamic religion is.  But Muslim-Canadian…

Now Western media face wrath of Islamic blasphemy laws
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Now Western media face wrath of Islamic blasphemy laws

admin - Aug 03, 2017

"A group of international Islamist organizations led by the Saudi-based Organization of Islamic Cooperation, or OIC, recently held a two-day conference on countering “Islamophobia” in which it…

Bill C-51: the Loss of Religious Freedom in Canada
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Bill C-51: the Loss of Religious Freedom in Canada

admin - Jul 18, 2017

Clause 14 of Canada's Bill C-51 will remove Section 176 of the Criminal Code, and with it eliminate a law that protects clergy, and protects religious worship…

The Death Of Freedom Of Speech in Canada – Motion 103
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The Death Of Freedom Of Speech in Canada – Motion 103

admin - Jun 28, 2017

Motion 103, a deeply divisive piece of legislation, would effectively create a blasphemy law in Canada.  This isn't accidental.  It was the purpose of the invention of…

Robert Fulford: If we’re to fight terrorism effectively we need to stop saying ‘Islamophobia’
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Robert Fulford: If we’re to fight terrorism effectively we need to stop saying ‘Islamophobia’

admin - Jun 11, 2017

Robert Fulford rightly observes that terminology like 'Islamophobia', invented by Muslim radicals themselves, might not be the best way to address the terrorism that they bring with…

After London: Let’s Start Talking about Islam
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After London: Let’s Start Talking about Islam

admin - Jun 05, 2017

Since the time of Salman Rushdie, the West has effectively been Shariah compliant, giving a privileged status to Islam.  Whether out of the quiet racism of diminished…