Tag: human trafficking

African slaves cut open for their kidneys
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African slaves cut open for their kidneys

admin - Dec 14, 2017

It took the efforts of many people, among them the famous William Wilberforce, decades of indefatigable labour to stop the African slave trade. History books record it…

Is Pedophilia Normal in Hollywood? Is the UN normalizing it?
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Is Pedophilia Normal in Hollywood? Is the UN normalizing it?

admin - Oct 15, 2017

For a number of years, there have been rumblings about pedophilia in Hollywood. Unlike the story of Harvey Weinstein, the rumours had whistleblowers like Cory Feldman, even…

Surrogacy and Slavery
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Surrogacy and Slavery

admin - Sep 30, 2017

The total rejection of the status of the unborn as people is the human rights issue of our day. Only the influence of propaganda has blinded the…

Dignity: A Journal on Sexual Exploitation and Violence
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Dignity: A Journal on Sexual Exploitation and Violence

admin - Jul 14, 2017

As the commodification of human beings advances along with human trafficking and sexual exploitation, there is a need for good and credible resources that are academically rigorous…

Trudeau government unveils reproductive health projects
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0 shares1203 views

Trudeau government unveils reproductive health projects

admin - Jul 12, 2017

The Trudeau government is making its mark in foreign policy by setting itself up as a foil to the United States, providing financial assistance for developing countries…