Surrogacy and Slavery

A former member of the board of directors of the National Organization for Women (NOW) outlines the terrible exploitation of surrogacy

Sep 30, 2017

The total rejection of the status of the unborn as people is the human rights issue of our day.

Only the influence of propaganda has blinded the public’s mind to the obvious atrocity of abortion by identifying it with “women’s health”.  One wonders whether the strong anti-slavery narrative that animates the New Left might waken them to the issue that is similarly at stake in the matter of commercial surrogacy.

The case being discussed in this article relates to California law, but similar violations are taking place throughout the Western world.  As the author rightly notes, the unborn have been so dehumanized under the law that they have the standing of property:

“California’s surrogacy law violates the substantive due process rights of the children, their fundamental liberty interest to maintain their relationship with their mother, and their due process liberty interest to be free from commodification and state-sanctioned and enforced purchase of family rights. Under California’s law, children are purchased and placed with adults regardless of whether those adults are capable of properly raising or caring for children, whether such placement is in the children’s best interest, or whether the surrogate mothers desire to and are better able to care for the children.

The law also violates children’s equal protection rights. California refuses to place children created through surrogacy based on what is in their best interests, as it does for all other children in all other disputed custody situations. Judicial rulings completely disregard whether or not child buyers may be harmful to the child; all that matters is the contract.

In other words, property (in this instance, children) takes precedence over all—the child’s health and welfare, human rights, identity, biological and genetic relationships, and on and on. According to California’s surrogacy law, the best interests of the child cannot be considered, because he or she is a purchased commodity subject to property and contract law.”

Read the full article

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