Is Pedophilia Normal in Hollywood? Is the UN normalizing it?

How deep does the sexual exploitation go?

Oct 15, 2017

For a number of years, there have been rumblings about pedophilia in Hollywood.

Unlike the story of Harvey Weinstein, the rumours had whistleblowers like Cory Feldman, even though Barbara Walters scolded him for his pains. Undeterred, he made the same allegations about pedophilia on ABC News.

Feldman claimed that the practice was rampant.  Feldman claims that it contributed to child star Cory Haim’s death.

Similar allegations have also been made by Elijah Wood in the London Times, Robert Downey, Nicole Kidman and James Van Der Beek.  But thusfar, the only case that has ever resulted in convictions is director Roman Polanski, whom the Hollywood establishment has been trying to exonerate ever since.

With the now documented conspiracy of silence around Harvey Weinstein, and mainstream media outlets suddenly discovering a semblance of journalistic fortitude, the question must arise whether these whistleblowers ought to be given renewed attention.

A documentary film called An Open Secret was released in late 2014 which catalogued the sexual abuse of children in Hollywood, receiving rave reviews.  It is rather strange then that it has not been released to home video, but it is available here.

And similar allegations and moves have been afoot in the U.N.  Pedophilia and hebephilia is clearly on the rise, as any casual glance to the news betrays.

The role of the new sex-ed curricula in this can also not be discounted.  The Ontario sex-ed curriculum, which provided a template for others around the world, was in large part due to the efforts of former Ontario Deputy Education Minister and convicted child sex-offender Benjamin Levin.

As one teacher noted to BBC News, to his shock, girls simply go along with sex acts.

And only the other day, it was quietly reported that a Canadian man behind the world’s largest child pornography website had been convicted.

Read the full article

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