Tag: gender identity

Girl Guides allows boys who identify as female to shower with girls
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Girl Guides allows boys who identify as female to shower with girls

admin - Dec 02, 2017

Self-identification is the latest and most insidious form of personal choice used by the Sexual Revolutionaries that emerged after the First World War to express a denuded…

Canada’s Bill C-16 and Tyranny
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Canada’s Bill C-16 and Tyranny

admin - Nov 19, 2017

Since the Sexual Revolution took hold in Canada and throughout the Western world, its citizens have gone along with its rationale for removing legislation related to Christian…

Children are victims in the latest identity-driven culture war
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Children are victims in the latest identity-driven culture war

admin - Nov 18, 2017

The first question one asks upon being informed of the birth of a newborn child is 'is it a boy or a girl'? This innocuous question, often…

The New Hippocratic Oath Codifies Harm to Women and the Unborn
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The New Hippocratic Oath Codifies Harm to Women and the Unborn

admin - Nov 07, 2017

Modern medicine has advanced in its techniques since the 1948.  But it has also been subtly politicized. The original Hippocratic Oath contained an important caveat, to first…

Lessons Canadians could learn from Luther’s Reformation
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Lessons Canadians could learn from Luther’s Reformation

admin - Nov 06, 2017

The Reformation took place 500 years ago, when Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of the Wittenberg cathedral.  The backlash against his conscience from…

Astonishing 50 kids a week referred to sex change clinics
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Astonishing 50 kids a week referred to sex change clinics

admin - Nov 02, 2017

The buried headline in all the news related to gender identity is that the capitulation of the medical establishment to activist social pressure has led to a…

To Inspire Young Communists, China Turns to ‘Red Army’ Schools
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To Inspire Young Communists, China Turns to ‘Red Army’ Schools

admin - Oct 19, 2017

Nien Cheng, author of Life and Death in Shanghai, commented that among the worst of Mao's cultural revolution in China was the way in which the demands…

How a decade of the Kardashians has fundamentally changed America
Arts & Culture
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Arts & Culture
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How a decade of the Kardashians has fundamentally changed America

admin - Sep 25, 2017

Before reading this article, I confess I had only the vaguest idea who all the Kardashians were, but the family does seem a fit symbol of the…

BBC: Porn ID checks set to start in April 2018
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BBC: Porn ID checks set to start in April 2018

admin - Jul 19, 2017

While the BBC is thoroughly unimpressed, the U.K. will be enacting legislation to reduce children's exposure to pornography. In Canada by contrast, while Alberta MP Arnold Viersen…

Majority of Canadians oppose gender-neutral birth certificates, poll finds
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0 shares1273 views

Majority of Canadians oppose gender-neutral birth certificates, poll finds

admin - Jul 10, 2017

"It's a they" - said no doctor ever to a mother. Until we came to be on 'the right side of history', when a few activists insisted…