Lessons Canadians could learn from Luther’s Reformation

David Millard Haskell, Professor at Wilfrid Laurier University defends Prof. Jordan B. Peterson against the Cultural Marxists

Nov 06, 2017

The Reformation took place 500 years ago, when Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of the Wittenberg cathedral.  The backlash against his conscience from the authorities was swift and fierce.  The analogies that can be made today to the situation of Dr. Jordan B. Peterson are clear, as this article suggests.

‘When his university demanded that he use newly coined terms reflecting a wide range of gender identities, he refused, saying such descriptors were not supported by scientific evidence. But what should have amounted to a tempest in a teapot soon ballooned beyond the original issue.

Assailed ferociously by his adversaries, Peterson responded by unleashing a public, ongoing critique of Western society’s regressive move to the left. His medium of choice has been YouTube. In Peterson’s use of YouTube, we again see parallels to Martin Luther.

Read the full article in the Hamilton Spectator

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