UK Foreign Office: African Evangelicals need religious instruction

A report produced by an executive agency of the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office has argued that Evangelical Christians in the Global South should be expected to “reinterpret” the Bible to make it compatible with LGBT ideology.

Jul 20, 2017

It is becoming increasingly apparent that freedom of religion cannot coexist alongside SOGI legislation (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity).   Since the terms of sex and gender identity have been categorized in terms of human rights, its advocates will brook no compromise on their universal acceptance.  The terms of love and inclusion are not ‘live and let live.’

This is evident once again in a report produced by an executive agency of the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office.  It argues that Evangelicals in the global south should be expected to “reinterpret” the Bible to make it compatible with LGBT ideology.   The “ideological colonization” of the global south continues.

It remains to be seen whether this will be implemented, but it is plain that the question in its advocates’ minds is when, not if, it will be implemented.

Read the full article

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