Why the media has broken down in the age of Trump

Jul 03, 2017

The political culture of the West is in a death spiral.  If you are located on the political spectrum of the historic parties of the ‘left’, you might not have recognized that the distortion of the  media by identity group politics and partisanship before the last presidential race.

Now it is impossible to ignore, because the progressives were finally hoisted up by their own petard.  They found a candidate among their opponents that used their own playbook. However, having soiled their own reputation, the MSM suddenly have taken great interest in integrity.

The author of this piece blames the media establishment journals, the New York Times and the Washington Post.  Further afield, observers would include the comparable (if not greater) influence of national media outlets like the BBC, the CBC, and their equivalents.  It seems a fair judgment.  The partisanship of the MSM has become so pronounced that the media commitment to truth has now openly broken down to the eyes of all but the willfully blind.

His solution is to recognize the media partisanship and bias, and to support journalism that follows your party line.  It seems like good pragmatic advice.

To do so, however, is to abandon all pretense of objectivity, to accept the identity group premises of the Cultural Marxists.  This seems a provisional solution at best, and can only result in a civil war.

The problem lies deeper than the media and a divided political culture.  The cultural malaise has roots in the abandonment of the idea of a common human nature, which is itself the product of a departure from a core commitment to the truths of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Therein lies our hope.

Read the full article

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