Lesbians Reveal Struggle of Forcing Son to be Gender Non-Conforming

Jul 03, 2017

There is overwhelming evidence of the fact that there are only two sexes, male or female, including over 1500 genetic differences that go well beyond primary sexual differentiation.  It is also indisputable that gender theorists have attained public power, and are serially confusing the term sex with gender, and effectively replacing the former with the latter in the laws of the land.

The natural diversity of the sexes is being replaced with a state-imposed uniformity of a state-manufactured category.  Gender might have an infinite number of expressions, but they have one thing that unites them: they are fictions that the state gives official status.

The social effect of this is enormous, not least in the area of family law.  And the personal devastation and confusion it visits on individuals is also incalculable.

Yet it is advancing with increasing public support, largely because its advocates effectively control the robes of the law, the academy, and the church because of the acceptance of politically correct language.

Their greatest weapon is the suggestion that they are acting to free oppressed people.  This little video of a lesbian couple reveals that even a very small boy has a decided sense of the reality of two sexes, and is strongly resistant to being made gender non-conforming.

The illusion that gender ideology can be accepted alongside traditional sexual identity is one that needs to be dispensed with, and quickly.  It is plain that there is no tolerance for dissent.

Read the full article and watch the video

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