The Ascent of the LGBT ‘Right Wing’

The LGBT community is 'troubling' when not following The Guardian's agenda

Oct 29, 2017

Since the 1970s, the American New Left (and its international political partners) has used identity politics to build a political base sufficient to support the Democrat Party after the demise of the segregationism attached to the Southern Democrats.  It is one of the great rebranding exercises in the history of politics.

These identity groups, united only in their diversity, have never had a common ground or purpose besides their opposition to a common enemy.  Because it defeats their narrative of principled opposition to ‘oppression’, it is rarely publicly acknowledged just how implacably hostile these identitarian groups are to one another.

As this writer in the Guardian observes ‘racism and misogyny in the queer community is nothing new.’  Neither is what the Guardian would decry as homophobia among Conservatives but ignore among most ethnic communities.  Everything can be overlooked if the ’cause’ of winning elections and furthering the dissolution of families and nation states is advanced.

In truth, it is difficult to discern the point of this article.  There seems to be a great deal of hand-wringing and pearl-clutching that people in identity groups are acting like individual persons, and not just serving as fodder to serve the ambitions of worldwide Communism.

The rippling effects of Brexit and the election of Donald Trump continues to be seen publicly.  Despite what the Guardian maintains, these are anti-establishment developments, which it simply cannot acknowledged as such because – again – the left in order to maintain its identity as an ‘oppressed group’ cannot admit that it is now the establishment.

This fact makes a mockery of the Guardian’s terminology of ‘left’ and ‘right’.  These terms are a residue of the French Revolution, when the Third Estate, the merchant class sat on the left of the French National Assembly.  The clergy (First) and the nobility (Second) sat on the right.

Since the progressives are now the establishment in virtually every area of life, perhaps we ought to re-designating them as ‘right wing’.

Read the full article in the Guardian

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