Tag: featured

David Brooks: Our Elites Still Don’t Get It
Arts & Culture
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Arts & Culture
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David Brooks: Our Elites Still Don’t Get It

admin - Nov 27, 2017

Proverbs 29: 18 states "Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint,     but blessed is he who keeps the law." David Brooks presents quite…

Christian couple rejected as adoptive parents, due to religious beliefs
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Christian couple rejected as adoptive parents, due to religious beliefs

admin - Nov 08, 2017

The government engineering of the family is now reaching a new stage of bigotry and discrimination against Christians.  Not only are parents being denied their historic responsibility…

Scott Masson: Why the critics of the Ontario sex-ed curriculum are still right
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Scott Masson: Why the critics of the Ontario sex-ed curriculum are still right

admin - Jun 21, 2017

Two years ago, the Ontario government pushed forward a radical sex-ed curriculum, showing utter contempt for the many significant parental objections.  The concerns that the prerogatives of…

Scott Masson – Repressive Tolerance and Cultural Marxism
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Scott Masson – Repressive Tolerance and Cultural Marxism

admin - May 30, 2017

In the popular Cultural Marxist account of our day, Christianity is the villain of history. It is not, as Edward Gibbon once wrote, because it brought the…

Scott Masson: Hunger artists in the reality TV age
Arts & Culture
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Arts & Culture
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Scott Masson: Hunger artists in the reality TV age

admin - May 29, 2017

Connecting our personal identity to our choices has been a mark of progressive politics for decades.  It exists in an impossible tension with identity groupings which are…