Tag: adoption

Christian couple rejected as adoptive parents, due to religious beliefs
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Christian couple rejected as adoptive parents, due to religious beliefs

admin - Nov 08, 2017

The government engineering of the family is now reaching a new stage of bigotry and discrimination against Christians.  Not only are parents being denied their historic responsibility…

Baby factories in Nigeria: a new and challenging source of abuse
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Baby factories in Nigeria: a new and challenging source of abuse

admin - Jun 11, 2017

'Academic researchers are trying increasingly to focus worldwide attention on this phenomenon, to inform the public and the politicians about this emergent social menace.' People who cannot…

BREAKING: Ontario passes ‘totalitarian’ bill allowing gov’t to take kids from Christian homes
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BREAKING: Ontario passes ‘totalitarian’ bill allowing gov’t to take kids from Christian homes

admin - Jun 02, 2017

The agenda warned about throughout the West is now becoming incontrovertible in Ontario.  Whatever the original intent of those who called for tolerance and inclusion, radicals have…

Manufactured Orphans
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Manufactured Orphans

admin - May 30, 2017

The commodification of human beings is growing worldwide as biotechnology advances, and what constitutes a family is re-engineered by the state.  It is an alarming development.  All…