Elon Musk doesn’t think we’re prepared to face humanity’s biggest threat: AI

'AI is a fundamental risk to the future of human civilization in a way that car accidents, airplane crashes, faulty drugs or bad food were not'

Jul 18, 2017

Elon Musk has, like Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking, been warning of the dangers of AI for years.  For some reason, men whose fame and fortune are interlinked with technological advance are the most concerned.  This should give us pause to reflect.

On the other hand, Elon Musk, the man who wants everyone to hand over control of their cars so that they can be guided by algorithms, is concerned about the enormous power given over to Artificial Intelligence.

Musk’s transhumanist solution is what draws my attention.  He suggests we ‘join forces’ with the computers.  That is precisely what algorithms have already been doing.

What is the threat?  Fake news placed in the artificial matrix by malign individuals.

And where would the solution come from?

Apparently from men like himself.  Musk announced earlier this year to CNN that he’s leading a company called Neuralink, which would devise ways to connect the human brain to computers.

Musk’s analysis is far too superficial, and ignores the real problem.

Humanity’s biggest threat isn’t the warming of the climate, or AI.  As wise men throughout history have recognized, it is humanity itself that has always been the biggest threat to humanity.  As the Roman proverb expressed it homo homini lupus, “man is a wolf to man’.

All individuals are ultimately malign in nature, including Musk.

Shakespeare’s Polonius counselled Hamlet “to thine own self be true,/ And it must follow, as the night the day,/ Thou canst not then be false to any man.”

If our own selves are malign and tend towards deceit (even self-deceit), then the question is what is our true self?  And what is truth?

How can I know it?

It must be revealed to us by someone of perfect moral character, who knows the end from the beginning.  Who never lies.

We don’t need transhumanism to solve the conundrum of human nature, i.e. our sin.

Jesus Christ has done that.

Read the full article

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