EXCLUSIVE: Poll Shows Nearly HALF of Millennials Open To Government Removing Children From Homes That Won’t Support Transgender Transitioning

Jul 01, 2017

No generation has been subjected to the degree of social engineering and thought-control that the millennial generation has.  And it has happened with virtually no challenge from the church.

Millennials are used to being commodified.  To seeing their ‘image’ and ‘icon’ being exploited by social media, and to receiving targetted marketing through algorithms.  They are highly cynical about those in authority.  At the same time, their education has rendered them unfit to think for themselves.  They have never received anything but affirmation.

The trade off for this unprecedented surrender of personal freedom is the guarantee of being looked after by the nanny state, and the governing classes deliverance of a new sort of freedom to them: that of their ‘gender identity’.  They can ‘brand themselves’.

God has created mankind in his image and likeness (Gen. 1:26).  Through its laws, the  state now offers its citizens the power to do the same for themselves, so long as they surrender all human agency.

This Faustian bargain is alluring, particularly in the absence of a prophetic witness.  At present, it looks like the millennials are in their masters’ thrall.

Read the full article

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