What do we do after work?

Jul 01, 2017

In Genesis 1:26-28, God commands a mankind created in his image to exercise dominion over the created order.  This rich passage says important things about human nature in relation to the human family, and also the role of our work in fulfilling God’s purpose for us. Work is not a product of the fall.  Work under God’s wise direction is meaningful and fruitful.

That purpose and meaning is frustrated by sin and its consequences.  Work will be marked by ‘painful toil’, ‘thorns and thistles’, and even death (Gen. 3:17-19).

Yet the oracle given to the serpent, that that the woman’s seed will ‘bruise his head’ promises redemption, and Adam names his wife Eve, ‘because she would become the mother of all the living.‘ (Gen. 3:20)

The way in which the imago Dei is being refashioned by contemporary social ideologues towards a transhumanist ideal by our current ‘culture of death’ is one of the challenges of contemporary existence.

Another is how sin is making the power of technology pervert the dominion that should result from human work into domination.  There is no more obvious demonstration of this perversion than the use of work to dominate humanity itself by seeking to control life.

This use of the power of technology has been amply documented in our writers of fiction for centuries, from Frankenstein to Tolkien to the writer mentioned in this article, Kurt Vonnegut.  Silicon Valley and the progressive state is seeking to ameliorate the blows of their labour, e.g. AI technology, through wage policies.

But in truth, these only mask the symptoms of the perversion to human nature that comes when work is done for our sinful purposes of ‘perfection’ and is not done for Jesus Christ and his kingdom, for the new birth, and in obedience to his word.  In his work, there is rest for our souls.

Read the full article in C2CJournal

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