Tag: jihadists

M15 Chief: Britain is facing an unprecedented terrorist threat
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M15 Chief: Britain is facing an unprecedented terrorist threat

admin - Oct 18, 2017

“The threat is multidimensional, evolving rapidly, and operating at a scale and pace we have not seen before. We have seen a dramatic upshift in the threat…

UK ‘biggest audience’ in Europe for jihadist web content
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UK ‘biggest audience’ in Europe for jihadist web content

admin - Sep 27, 2017

The bombing of a London Tube train last week has "merely underscored once again the ever-present nature of (the) threat" of Islamic terrorist cells within the U.K.,…

Omar Khadr’s Allies
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Omar Khadr’s Allies

admin - Aug 09, 2017

The thick markers of human identity are officially being erased everywhere. Whether it is in relation to human personhood (the idea of gender), the family (the terms…

Huge scale of terror threat revealed: UK home to 23,000 jihadists
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Huge scale of terror threat revealed: UK home to 23,000 jihadists

admin - May 27, 2017

The real story: intelligence services are overwhelmed by the scale of the threat: 'MI5’s capacity to investigate is limited to about 3,000 individuals at any one time.…