Tag: intolerance

A Post-Christian and Uncharitable Society
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A Post-Christian and Uncharitable Society

admin - Nov 07, 2017

The decline in mainline churches over the past decades has been widely noted.  It is no longer socially advantageous to be associated with a church, particularly in…

Will the left survive the Millennials?
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Will the left survive the Millennials?

admin - Sep 24, 2017

One of the more extraordinary things to observe is how important the concept of freedom is to both the political left and the political right.  For some…

Pew research: Christians faced widespread harassment in 2015, but mostly in Christian-majority countries
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Pew research: Christians faced widespread harassment in 2015, but mostly in Christian-majority countries

admin - Jun 17, 2017

While the persecution and massacre of Christians in many Muslim-majority countries garners a little international attention, their harassment in what by statistics count as Christian-majority countries is…

BREAKING: Ontario passes ‘totalitarian’ bill allowing gov’t to take kids from Christian homes
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BREAKING: Ontario passes ‘totalitarian’ bill allowing gov’t to take kids from Christian homes

admin - Jun 02, 2017

The agenda warned about throughout the West is now becoming incontrovertible in Ontario.  Whatever the original intent of those who called for tolerance and inclusion, radicals have…

The Liberal Blind Spot
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0 shares1130 views

The Liberal Blind Spot

admin - May 31, 2017

The liberal NY Times picks up on a story that has been dominating academia for a decade: the anti-intellectual prejudice of the academic left that has marched…

Scott Masson – Repressive Tolerance and Cultural Marxism
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0 shares2257 views

Scott Masson – Repressive Tolerance and Cultural Marxism

admin - May 30, 2017

In the popular Cultural Marxist account of our day, Christianity is the villain of history. It is not, as Edward Gibbon once wrote, because it brought the…

Canadian Liberals waste no time playing the anti-Christian card
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0 shares2106 views

Canadian Liberals waste no time playing the anti-Christian card

admin - May 30, 2017

Canada's Liberal government are demonstrating an open hostility increasingly characteristic of progressive parties in the West.  They purport themselves open to all religions and all forms of…