Tag: autonomy

Girl Guides allows boys who identify as female to shower with girls
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Girl Guides allows boys who identify as female to shower with girls

admin - Dec 02, 2017

Self-identification is the latest and most insidious form of personal choice used by the Sexual Revolutionaries that emerged after the First World War to express a denuded…

Liberalism has eaten itself – it isn’t very liberal any more
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Liberalism has eaten itself – it isn’t very liberal any more

admin - Nov 30, 2017

This is an interesting reflection by Tim Farron, former leader of the Liberal Democrats in the United Kingdom.  Farron is an evangelical troubled by the illiberalism of…

Addiction: Are We All Wrong About Its Causes?
Science & Technology
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Science & Technology
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Addiction: Are We All Wrong About Its Causes?

admin - Nov 09, 2017

The number of lives ruined through addiction to drugs is staggering.  But the physical addiction is only one part of the problem, and it seems that release…

Can our Democracy Survive Tribalism?
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Can our Democracy Survive Tribalism?

admin - Nov 02, 2017

'One of the great attractions of tribalism is that you don’t actually have to think very much. All you need to know on any given subject is…

Autonomy: The ‘Law of the Self’ is Nihilistic
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Autonomy: The ‘Law of the Self’ is Nihilistic

admin - Oct 28, 2017

There are legitimate concerns about a loss of freedom in our day.  While freedoms of speech, assembly, the press, religion, conscience, association, etc. are enshrined in law,…

Liberal Values are Bankrupting Us
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0 shares1814 views

Liberal Values are Bankrupting Us

admin - Jul 19, 2017

"People should be able to do whatever they want so long as it doesn't hurt anyone."  This commonly articulated opinion expresses the standard libertarian ethic of today. …

Jonathon Van Maren: The European Court of Human Rights sentences a little British boy to death
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Jonathon Van Maren: The European Court of Human Rights sentences a little British boy to death

admin - Jun 29, 2017

As was discussed in a previous article, the German philosopher Immanuel Kant invented the notion of a human dignity rooted in human autonomy.  The idea of preserving…

Wesley J. Smith: Three Culture of Death Tipping Points
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0 shares976 views

Wesley J. Smith: Three Culture of Death Tipping Points

admin - Jun 11, 2017

Hiding behind the shield of compassion, the Enlightenment's postulate of human autonomy is being given full reign, expanding a culture of death. Meanwhile, the fear of being…

This Doctoral Student Identifies As A Hippopotamus ‘Tranimal,’ Says It Makes Him Feel ‘Sexy’
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0 shares1997 views

This Doctoral Student Identifies As A Hippopotamus ‘Tranimal,’ Says It Makes Him Feel ‘Sexy’

admin - Jun 10, 2017

The progressives' pursuit of autonomy at the expense of the imago Dei has given us limitless freedom.  Sadly, it is freedom from our human identity. Read the…

Gorsuch, in Sign of Independence, Is Out of Supreme Court’s Clerical Pool
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0 shares1203 views

Gorsuch, in Sign of Independence, Is Out of Supreme Court’s Clerical Pool

admin - Jun 09, 2017

Part of avoiding groupthink is in preventing the group from predetermining one's conclusions by the boundaries it sets. Read the full story