Staying with Mum for the first three years is essential to a child’s development

Close and comforting contact from caregivers is basic to 'social justice'

Nov 29, 2017

Two studies have recently appeared that ought to profoundly affect social policy.  Both demonstrate how essential it is for a child to be nurtured by its mother for years:

The first study in Science Daily showed that the “amount of close and comforting contact between infants and their caregivers can affect children at the molecular level, an effect detectable four years later, according to new research from the University of British Columbia and BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute.

The study showed that children who had been more distressed as infants and had received less physical contact had a molecular profile in their cells that was underdeveloped for their age — pointing to the possibility that they were lagging biologically.

“In children, we think slower epigenetic aging might indicate an inability to thrive,” said Michael Kobor, a Professor in the UBC Department of Medical Genetics who leads the “Healthy Starts” theme at BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute….

This article claims that it is “the first study to show in humans that the simple act of touching, early in life, has deeply-rooted and potentially lifelong consequences on genetic expression….”

Similarly, one month previously, there was a report that research had demonstrated that it was essential for the development of the child that he or she remain with the mother for the first three years of life:

The growth of the baby’s brain “literally requires positive interaction between mother and infant. The development of cerebral circuits depends on it.”

Prof Schore points out that if a baby is not treated properly in the first two years of life, the genes for various aspects of brain function, including intelligence, cannot operate, and may not even come into existence. Nature and nurture cannot be disentangled: the genes a baby has will be profoundly affected by the way it is treated.

This discovery has enormous implications for social policy. It explains two very persistent features of our society. One is the way that chronic disadvantage reproduces itself across generations of the same families. There is a cycle of deprivation – lack of educational attainment, persistent unemployment, poverty, addiction, crime – which, once a family is in it, has proved almost impossible to break.”

So how is the progressive establishment with its early childhood education industry going to respond to the science?

Read the full article in the Telegraph

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