An Ontario court has just affirmed that cultural norms that excuse violence have no place here

he Ontario Court of Appeal has ruled that “cultural differences” cannot be used to justify a lighter sentence in criminal cases

Jul 24, 2017

Some light appeared in the news today when an Ontario court ruled against barbaric cultural practices, and avoided the politically correct cultural relativism that really is little but a form of racism of diminished expectations.

It comes on the same day, however, that the Federal Liberals has released a draft of its new citizenship guidelines, which will delete the Conservative government’s warning against barbaric cultural practices of the sort that the Court ruled had no place in Canada.

Readers might be forgiven for not holding their breath that the Star’s editors will criticize the policy change.

After all, the Star has regularly hewed to the line on the Liberals’ cynical embrace of diversity as our strength, including a full-throated endorsement of cultural relativism that avoids any criticism of Islam.

Read the full article

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