The Complicity of Canadian Governments in Psychiatric Abuse
In 1980, the CBC’s flagship investigative journal The Fifth Estate exposed a story you can watch here of a human tragedy caused by the medical establishment. It was instigated by a CIA project called MK Ultra, conducted on Canadian soil through a number of false fronts.
It began back in 1953 as a way of combatting the brainwashing of U.S. soldiers captured as POWs during the Korean War, but continued for decades in major research institutions throughout the world, including the U.K.’s Tavistock Institute.
The experiments happened in Canada chiefly at Montreal’s Allen Memorial Institute, the prestigious psychiatric clinic at McGill University. Dr. Ewen Cameron was the researcher at the heart of much of these experiments. Cameron eventually went on to become the President of the World Psychiatric Association.
The Fifth Estate reports that it kept on its story until 1998, when the CIA finally settled the case with litigants for $750k. One could be forgiven for thinking that it marked the end of another sad chapter in Canadian history whereby the government experimented on people.
But after after the Fifth Estate rebroadcast the episode, another lawsuit was filed, this time on behalf of a woman by the name of Jean Steel, who was kept in a chemically induced sleep for weeks and subjected to rounds of electroshocks, experimental drugs and tape-recorded messages played non-stop. Her identity was wiped and her life destroyed by the experiments done on her by the most eminent members of the psychiatric establishment. Steel’s daughter has now settled her case, and signed a non-disclosure agreement keeping the details secure.
The question that must be asked is whether the psychiatric establishment has actually distanced itself from such practices.
After all, the the whole premise behind the Ontario government’s 2010 report, “Navigating the Journey to Wellness” is that the use of psychiatric drugs, shock and brain surgery are our road to wellness. These are pretty similar convictions and treatments that marked the experiments of MK ULTRA.
Following the report, a surveillance system, school system, and social system have been developed to further this ‘journey to wellness.’
The huge expansion of children being diagnosed with mental illnesses is being furthered by studies done in schools by designated Psychology lead teachers. Every publicly-funded school has one, and they are appointed from among the school teaching staff. Parents concerned about these matters need to refuse to grant the school permission for their children to be examined.
For there is no doubt that schools are serving a different agenda than that of education.
Read the report delivered for the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
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