The Deuce: Porn, nostalgia and late capitalism

Sep 19, 2017

It seems that within the ethical framework of ‘personal choice’ the inherently exploitative nature of pornography simply cannot be acknowledged.

That is because the question of what the human body is for is never asked, and the connection of sex with love and procreation is altogether avoided in articles like this.

The best that the author can do is observe:

“It is crucial… to distinguish between exploitative and self-determined sex work and to look for the structural causes rather than claim that sex work itself is at the root of its own exploitation.”

Why is it crucial?  Because the entire ethical framework of ‘choice’ is built upon its flimsy foundation.   In the face of the mounting evidence of the individual and social devastation of pornography, it is the unconvincing stance of the close-minded libertine.

Read the full article

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