How the Elderly Are Losing Their Rights

New Yorker: Senior citizens are losing their assets and their autonomy to a hidden system.

Oct 09, 2017

The Sexual Revolution is, like all previous rebellions against lawful authority, marked by a pattern of progressive cannibalization.  After the old establishment has been overthrown and a new power structure has been established, the new establishment is in turn eaten by the radicals that wish to replace it.

Without any sense of lawful authority or civic piety, any sense of the need to obey the greatest commandment, the ethics of free choice invariably repeats this self-destructive pattern.

Mass birth control and abortion have exercised a moral atrocity against future generations that has been statistically hidden by the Sexual Revolutionaries.  They first used their legislative power to decriminalize the act, and then their moral authority to redefine human health and the human good.

These acts have been highly effective, in one sense.  But the moral transgression remains rank.

When the Nazi war criminals defended their atrocities because they were legal, the more civilized world noted of the day noted that just because something is not a crime does not mean it isn’t immoral.

In that instance, to prosecute the immoral act sanctioned by the state of Germany, a new crime was invented: a crime against humanity.

The immoral nature of abortion is not a merely theoretical observation either.  Its consequences are playing out in judgment.

Western societies now face multiple pressures.  Among others, they face the demographic winter of a declining population, and the moribund productivity rate of an aging one.

The impossible debt loads that the political establishment has placed on future generations to fund the autonomy of the present generation is resulting in policies that encourage the assisted death of the elderly and unproductive.  Some are so deluded as to call these policies compassionate.

But in addition to the life-and-death issues of assisted suicide, the younger generation is using its legal power to dispossess and dehumanize the elderly.

And as before, it is an immoral act.

Read the full article

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