Sex education in the afternoon delights

Sex at Lunch sessions aim to educate and entertain

Jul 05, 2017

Throughout the world, the children of the sexual revolutionaries of the 1960s, often the product of broken families and with a personal history of abortion, believe that they have the license to teach children everything they know (or could even imagine) about sex.

It is not even that what is taught about the dangers of sexual promiscuity is actually false.  Condoms do not prevent contracting herpes, for example.  And anal sex goes against the body’s design, meaning that it ought to be avoided as a serious threat to health.

It is that sex is being presented as a consumer good, human bodies as commodities, and ‘informed’ choice as the universal solution to every ethical dilemma.  It is being promoted by social activists primarily of the political left, yet the view of the human person as a commodity would make a capitalist blush.

There is no mention of love, the meaning of marriage and commitment, the family, and the social good that results from fidelity.  There is also a total neglect of the design of the human body in its procreative capacities.  And of course the benefits of abstinence till marriage are never mentioned.

The distorted and thin presentation of sex as education is actually worse than no education at all, because it actually misleads people into thinking they are informed about the topic.

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