Belgian website teaching 7-year olds explicit sex positions

Site's content ranges from information on birth control and STDs to oral sex techniques - including one named 'the hummingbird'

Oct 25, 2017

One of the signal marks of the impiety of our age is the way in which we treat the weak and vulnerable.  In the practice of abortion and euthanasia, the contempt for the basic humanity of the weak and vulnerable is most evident.

Yet this impiety extends further into the field of education, where children are being encouraged to think of themselves as adults while still having all the weaknesses of the immaturity of their years.  The whole notion of sexual education based on consent is nothing other than a charter for exploitation, a sexual experiment on children by the children of the Sexual Revolutionaries.

It is the responsibility of adults, and in particular of parents, to demonstrate their dissent to this usurpation of their prerogative by the professionals.

Adults will not be held guiltless by God for this dereliction of responsibility.

Their silence gives consent to the practice.

The full perversity of this movement among the state-funded educational professionals is becoming more apparent by the day.  This report reveals one of its more lurid manifestations in Belgium.

Read the full article in the Independent

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