The Rise of Political Correctness

“Comrade, your statement is factually incorrect.” “Yes, it is. But it is politically correct.”

Jun 02, 2017

What political Marxism once failed to do in the West through violent revolution, Antonio Gramsci and a series of other theorists proposed to do through culture.  Their strategy: the ‘long slow march through the institutions’ – subverting things like marriage, the family, personal rights, etc. – in order to create the utopia that they desired.

Since no person actually has the power to change the nature of such things, Cultural Marxists ultimately adopted spoiling tactics, which we commonly call ‘political correctness.’  It manipulates language through social control to make lies function as the truth, and to treat the truth as a lie.

Forcing people to live in a fiction – using politically correct terms – dehumanizes them by forcing them to participate in lying, demoralizing them and rendering them defenseless before more open personal attacks.

In the end, defrauding the image of God in human beings is simply a naked display of frustrated power.

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