Ben Boychuk: Is California Umberto Eco’s ‘liquid society’?

Bugs Bunny quipped he could defy the laws of gravity because he didn't study law. Can we?

Nov 18, 2017

Italian philosopher, semiotician and author Umberto Eco, who gained international fame in 1980 with his medieval murder mystery, “The Name of the Rose, died in 2016.

“The title of Eco’s last collection of essays is “Chronicles of a Liquid Society,” which is a riff on the ideas of an obscure European philosopher named Zygmunt Bauman, who coined the term “liquid modernity” or society.

The concept of “liquid” society is a bit hard to grasp – sort of like eating soup with a fork. But put as simply as possible, the era in which we live has made fragile the foundations of everything: state, church, business, even reality. Nothing is certain, which produces “a situation with no points of reference,” Eco wrote.

Read the full article in the Sacramento Bee

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